So, here we are, amidst the "no RV parking or overnight camping" signs and enjoying ourselves.
Since we met John and Fran here on Wednesday, the guys have gone out everyday and picked up trash. So far, they have filled 10 bags. Today the Florida State Trooper who is the one that gets to tell everyone they have to leave, stopped and talked to Ken this morning. He first told him that we were reported as having been here more than 3 nights and that overnight stays weren't allowed. When Ken told him about picking up the trash and asked where we should put it, he relented and said we are doing something constructive to help the community and said we could do what we wanted to and that we didn't have to leave. I suppose though to be fair to others we will leave by the middle of the week and move on in a northerly direction. We came here to fish, but the winds have been very strong and the water has been breaking on the sea wall and getting the entire
side of our trailer wet. Yesterday it wasn't too bad, but this morning the winds picked up again. According to our weather radio, there is a cold front moving in with the chance of severe thunderstorms this evening and overnight. This area does need the rain, but the rain since we got here has moved them out of the drought condition - which is good for Florida - not so good for us campers. We have seen some freighter traffic and today saw our third cruise ship come through the bridge. Boy they are big - floating cities - and beautiful as they sail into the sunset!! Maybe tomorrow we can fish! If not we will enjoy the sunshine.

Recap: With the exception of about 2 days, the weather was far from desirable. It wasn’t cold, but it certainly was windy. With us being parked broadside to the winds, the RV’s rocked and rolled for the better part of the week we were there. One night, I almost passed out three times sitting in the rig watching the waves. They were incredible – undulating like a snake, horizontal to the sea wall. They looked liked one huge wave that just kept coming and coming. After watching for a while, I stood up and oops – really dizzy to the point I saw stars and the blackness coming. Well, that happened two more times and I thought it was heart related but everything checked out ok. The next day, we went to the grocery store and as I was going around the corner and looking up at a shelf, I had the same problem and realized that I had a bad case of vertigo. When we got back to the truck I dug out the anti-motion bracelets we carry and put them on and voila! The problem disappeared. What a horrible experience – being sea-sick on dry land. During the week we stayed there John, Fran and Ken cleaned up the litter around the area. They filled 15 large trash bags and about 4 smaller ones.