Monday, March 8, 2010

March 8, 2010

Today we decided to go exploring. One of the campers in the Preserve told Ken that an alligator was just around the corner so off we went - me armed with my camera and Ken armed with his walking stick to fend off the alligator if he got excited. Of course, a lot of good that little walking stick would be against this 8 foot alligator. We walked around the corner and kept checking out the water and the bank and finally, Ken spotted the "giant" alligator. The "giant" was only about 3 to 4 feet long - still a youngster. We laughed about the size as we were really expecting something a little more impressive. As we turned back to walk back to our campsite, we decided we should go down to the area where there were 2 Crested Caracara's. So, into the truck we go and as we round the corner where we spotted the alligator - there he was and starting to move towards us when he disappeared into a hole that goes under the road. As we look up across the water - about 8 feet further out, here is this huge alligator, half submerged. Now this is what we were looking for -- big. Off we go to find the birds - get there, sit there for awhile and nothing. Ok - so we will check it out when we get back from the grocery store. First lunch at McDonald's and then to find a good place to sit out of the sun to make necessary phone calls, get online and make some more reservations at a couple more state parks and then we are heading back to the Prairie Preserve - about 3 hours later!!

Back in the Preserve we are determined to see the Caracara's. I spotted one on the phone pole before we got back to the park. They have a flat head with a beak like an eagle and are pretty big birds. We stopped again in the area the pair was supposed to be but again nothing so we moved on. When we rounded a bend in the road, Ken spotted some deer grazing up ahead so we stopped and got the binoculars out - 2 does. About a mile down the road, we spotted 4 more does in the field and as we got into the camping area, next to the office in the field was a button buck - all alone. Oh yes, we spotted another alligator near where the first deer were and he was just a little one, about 3 feet long. And as far as the other alligators we had seen on the way out, they were still there but it was getting cooler so they would be moving soon into deepr water for the night.

I forgot to tell you about the darkness here. Last night we opened our door on the rv to look outside and it was DARK! There are not any lights in the park so there isn't any interference with star watching -- awesome.

As far as pictures go - I have to reacquaint myself to the camera and how to download pictures so they will follow later.

Tomorrow we are staying put - maybe look for the Caracaras again and of course, the alligators - they are always interesting, even if they don't do much. Guess when you are looking at them, it is a good thing that they aren't doing much.

More later.

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