Dawson Creek to Fort Nelson, British Columbia
Again, it started out rainy today. But . . . after the surprise we got last night, we decided to move on out anyway. We had dinner with John and Fran and before we left to come back to our RV, she told us that they were on their own trip, we were on our own trip and
that it was not a combined trip. She suggested we separate and possibly meet up in Watson Lake. H-m-m-m, thought we were traveling together - guess Ken and I thought wrong. So, on our way we went. Went into Dawson Creek and got a picture of the Zero Mile Post - the original one and headed north. After about 50 miles, it started to snow. Oops - another surprise. Now traveling in rain is one thing, but snow is quite another when you are towing over 9,000 pounds behind you and in pretty hilly country so we decided to hole up for the night and see what tomorrow brings.
We st
opped at the Charlie Lake Provincial Park in Fort St. John, BC and were lucky to get a spot. But again, another oops. The site was downhill and after we got it into the site, we couldn't get it to move uphill - not even with 4-wheel drive in place. Oh well, we will worry about that when we leave tomorrow - if we leave tomorrow. They are calling for 6 to 10 inches of snow overnight according to the salesperson at the local Walmart.
Ken and I were up early the next morning - and there was about 4 inches on the ground. He went outside and talked to a few people and they said the roads were clear - wet and still snowing a little - but about 1 to 2 hours north it was blue skies and the sun was shining, so we decided to leave. I was really concerned about the uphill problem, but Ken wasn't so he took care of everything and I prayed - hard! What we did combined, worked and we climbed right out of the camping site. Whew!
The countryside is forested with Lodge Pole Pines, Aspen and White Spruce. We can see snow covered mounta
ins in the distance - they are beautiful. Along with the trees, there are lots of wildlife out today. We saw 4 wild horses along the road, 1 Northern Harrier, 1 Red Tail Hawk, 1 Caribou, 1 Moose, 3 Black Bears, plus a Black Bear with 2 cubs. We laughed when we saw the mom and cubs as the page
we were on in the Mile Post had a picture that looked just like that. Maybe they have them trained?? All in all, it was a good day and we are going to continue to move on, make the best of traveling alone and enjoy life and
each other.
A few more pictures to end the day:
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